What to Plant in Your Fall Garden: A Seasonal Guide

Picture of By Kathy C.
By Kathy C.

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What to Plant in Your Fall Garden: A Seasonal Guide


As the warmth of summer begins to wane, it’s time to transition your garden into a new season. Fall, with its crisp air and vibrant foliage, brings unique opportunities for planting a variety of crops that thrive in cooler temperatures. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting, the fall garden offers a chance to extend your growing season and enjoy a bountiful harvest. In this guide, we’ll explore what to plant in your fall garden, providing useful tips to ensure a successful and rewarding autumn growing experience.

1. Kale (Brassica oleracea):

Known for its robust flavor and nutritional benefits, kale is a fantastic addition to your fall garden. Plant kale in well-drained soil, and it will flourish in the cool temperatures of autumn. Choose from various kale varieties, such as Lacinato or Curly, and enjoy a hearty and versatile green in your fall dishes.

2. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea):

Spinach thrives in cooler weather, making it an ideal candidate for your fall garden. Sow spinach seeds directly in the soil or start with young plants. Ensure they receive adequate sunlight, and you’ll be rewarded with tender, nutrient-rich leaves for salads, sautés, and smoothies.

3. Carrots (Daucus carota):

Fall is the perfect time to sow carrots for a sweet and crunchy harvest. Choose carrot varieties suited for fall planting, and sow seeds directly in well-prepared soil. Carrots appreciate consistent moisture, so water them regularly to ensure even growth. Harvest these vibrant roots as they reach maturity for a flavorful addition to your fall meals.

4. Beets (Beta vulgaris):

Beets are cold-tolerant and can be grown well into the fall season. Plant beet seeds in fertile soil and thin them as they grow to allow room for the roots to develop. Both the vibrant beetroot and nutritious greens are edible, providing a colorful and versatile addition to your fall culinary endeavors.

5. Broccoli (Brassica oleracea):

Broccoli is a cool-season favorite that thrives in the fall garden. Start broccoli seeds indoors or purchase young plants for transplanting. Provide ample sunlight and well-drained soil, and you’ll be harvesting delicious broccoli heads as the weather cools. Additionally, broccoli leaves are edible and make a nutritious addition to salads.

6. Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea):

Similar to broccoli, cauliflower is well-suited for fall planting. Choose a cauliflower variety with a shorter maturity time to ensure a successful harvest before the first frost. Plant in nutrient-rich soil and provide consistent moisture for optimal growth. Enjoy the mild flavor and versatility of cauliflower in various culinary creations.

7. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum):

Parsley is a hardy herb that thrives in the cool temperatures of fall. Whether you choose curly or flat-leaf varieties, parsley is a versatile herb that adds freshness to your dishes. Plant parsley seeds directly in the soil, and with proper care, you’ll have a steady supply of this flavorful herb throughout the fall season.

8. Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum):

Cilantro is another herb that prefers cooler weather. Sow cilantro seeds directly in the soil, and you’ll soon have fragrant leaves ready for harvest. Harvest cilantro regularly to encourage new growth and enjoy its distinctive flavor in salads, salsas, and other dishes.

9. Strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa):

Fall is an excellent time to plant strawberries, allowing them to establish roots before winter. Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil, and space the strawberry plants for optimal growth. Enjoy the anticipation of a sweet strawberry harvest in the following spring.

10. Raspberries (Rubus idaeus):

Raspberries can be planted in the fall for a fruitful harvest in the coming seasons. Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil and provide support for the canes. With proper care, your fall-planted raspberries will reward you with delicious berries in the years to come.


The fall garden is a canvas of vibrant colors and bountiful harvests, offering a diverse range of crops that thrive in cooler temperatures. Whether you’re cultivating leafy greens, root vegetables, herbs, fruits, or flowering plants, the fall season provides a unique opportunity to extend your growing season and enjoy the rewards of a well-tended garden. Experiment with different varieties, explore new culinary possibilities, and savor the delights of your fall harvest. Happy gardening!

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